So this post is dedicated to one of my favorite games that I'm too scared to play although I have one of the series for the PS2....
Yes, good ol' Silent Hill. The most badass horror game that you n00bs as in the kids of today should play! Ur brains be messed up by em' puzzle and teh monstahs! You don't have the game? Well download it on the internet for sake *faceplam*. Well I'm just hoping after you played the game, maybe some 'common sense' would kick in after all the scares...AND YOU WOULDN'T LIEK GAY SINGERS ANYMORE 8D
Okay so...I'm going to introduce ALL of the Silent Hill characters....from Silent Hill 1 until Homecoming, because I really don't know Shattered Memories yet and Downpour...has it come out yet? I forgot *facepalm*
Harry Mason (Silent Hill)
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Oh this guy is a badass for sure. And MUST be awarded for "the greatest father in the world". C'mon, he just searched ALL of Silent Hill to look for her daughter Cheryl. Well...step-daughter? I don't know. He found Cheryl on the street so...U KNOW WHAT? I'M JUST GOING TO SAY IT'S HIS DAUGHTER. And he's a writer LOL. I'm surprise a writer could be so badass XD Yeah, the sad thing is...he's dead. Killed by that Dahlia chick. Yeah, but seriously, this guy is one hell of a dad. He protected Heather no matter what. He supplied her with a stun gun. And also the pendant that he gave her, inside it is an Aglaophotis. To keep the Order from raepin' her LOL. No actually, just to protect her from the Order. And that pendant saved her life so that she didn't have to birth God!
James Sunderland (Silent Hill 2)
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Chasing the dead...IT'S HOW I ROLL!!! |
James should really team up with Miku or something. Miku in Fatal Frame 3 was chasing Mafuyu, and James is chasing Mary. He's pretty cool, i guess :/ Kinda badass but....WTH? You forgot about killing your wife? If I were you, I would still be in shock! And the first character to meet 'the judge'...
PYRAMID HEAD!!!! (dum dum dammmm >:D)
SO he's a Clerk LOL. I thought you were in the army or something ._. But a clerk? Anyway, he's a lonely guy because he killed his wife. And he hated Mary because she's a burden. HE PILLOWED HER. AND HE PILLOWED MARIA not ._. Okay, I used to like James but then I met Heather and Harry.
Cheryl 'Heather' Mason (Silent Hill 3)
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I'm not actually blonde, I used to be a brunette ARR ARR ARR |
Well of course, usually Silent Hill are for manly men! But this girl kick em' in the ass! This girl is Harry Mason's daughter. And this girl has em' SUPA POWERS!!!! A combination of Cheryl and Alessa she is. And her memories doesn't conflict or something, that's weird. THERE SHOULD BE SOME RADIATA STORIES THINGY WHEN RIDLEY HAS AN ELF IN HER BODY AND SHE SOMETIMES TALKS IN ELF LANGUAGE. But if that should happen, she would certainly talked to herself. Unless there's another soul, a third soul. Heather's soul. The soul that keeps balance of the two halves. LOL I'M SPEAKING NONSENSE. She luv her daddy and wants revenge! And she's going to kill her sister!? ._. And Heather is scared of mirrors :/
Owh, I just watched the walkthough of pyschadelicsnake and the Radiata Stories thingy DID happen, I'm happy :'D I love Cheryl~ but not in a lesbo way D:<
Owh, I just watched the walkthough of pyschadelicsnake and the Radiata Stories thingy DID happen, I'm happy :'D I love Cheryl~ but not in a lesbo way D:<
Henry Townshend (Silent Hill 4: The Rooms)
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Got scared by Eileen. But I'm not scared of her giant head LOL |
I don't really like this guy, he's a pervert, and he be bustin' those ghost. Locked inside your own room and can teleport to the messed up outside of his apartment. He's the only character of Silent Hill that has never been in Silent Hill. Well....maybe the Hope House? I don't know if that's on the outskirts of Silent Hill or in Silent Hill. Haven't looked it up yet. He's the last of the 21 Sacraments thingy, he's the "Receiver of Wisdom". With a face like that....I LOLed at his Receiving of Wisdom title. I think he's just a reason for just to tell about Walter Sullivan. :/ But I don't really know. All I know is the game has em' ghosties in it.
Travis Grady (Silent Hill: Origins)
I'm a trained fireman trucker, I can get Alessa's body in that house ~_~ |
Truck Drivah' c'min through! Oh Travis, your parents are just mere messed up memories. And you were called 'the devil' by your own momma. Well, he has a pretty messed up childhood also, but I don't really like him :/ Not much to say about him besides that his version of Pyramid Head is The Butcher. And he's used by Alessa so she wouldn't give birth to God. :/ Yeah, I don't like you Travis
Alex Sheperd (Silent Hill: Homecoming)
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Where's my BROTHER?!?! ...Oh yeah, I drowned him XD Let's forget about it! |
Ahh, Alex the 3rd character that I like! And he's the same as James! He killed his brother and gets crazy and thought he joined the army. He has a sad childhood, y'know. Abandoned by family so he could be drowned to be a sacrifice. He kinda reminds me of my friend, but without the drowning and killing anotha' bro LOL. What I like MORE about Alex than James is because Alex has a more depth to his stories and when he was a kid. So yeah...I like those type of characters that is told about their past and stuff.
I guess that's it. And I don't want to talk about Murphy == Someday I'll post about Pyramid Head and The Butcher
I guess that's it. And I don't want to talk about Murphy == Someday I'll post about Pyramid Head and The Butcher