Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Well today.....

I was stressed out by teachers because of the so many and never ending homework and test that i have to put up with -,- Then there's the 'she' problem(reference to my post about she suck -,-), and GOOD GRIEF! My EF teacher is SOOO NICE! He totally understand us students! And i envy every people schooling not in asia 'cuz...just O.O c'mon, it's not so bad schooling at America(but it depends on where you school at)! And GOOD LORD! I'M GONNA BREAK DOWN!!!! People like me should be more relax T.T Yes there was a vacation...but only 2 weeks or so T.T That's not enough yo! Mah brain isn't made out of programs like a computer! I ain't a machine! Students complain but the teachers just....u know! ARGH >< I want teachers to be more like my EF teacher! But maybe 1 teacher or 2 should be like strict but not so strict ones....THAT IS A SCHOOL PARADISE IF TEACHERS ARE LIKE THAT!!!! So yeah!!!!! I still respect a few teachers that is strict FOR a GOOD REASON! Like my economy teacher.....she explains WHY SHE IS STRICT! But other teachers well...not strict, but close to that, just made me sleepy and bored -,-

Like seriously T.T Grade 8....will be my 4th worse semester.....3rd is when i will get totally pwnd at grade 9 and 2nd and 1st is when i go to senior high school....i bet DOZENS. OF. FRIGGIN'. STUDYING. Is just waiting along the corner T.T I can't stand being pressured with knowledge! And my future is i wanna be a game designer! I don't need friggin' pythagoras or algebra! But on the other hand i got a soft spot for being a teacher...'cause HOW SCHOOL WORKS TODAY IS JUST CRAZY!!!!

I wanna be a teacher that will be open to every student and not strict! And don't give friggin' HOMEWORK every single week! Maybe i will give them 2 homeworks every month! I'll be an english teacher..maybe -,- 'cause I'm pretty good with my english....and there will be less write more talk! I'm screwed too if i always write and write and write...but little conversation, if u can write english but can't talk english....THE ENGLISH U LEARN IS A LIE!!!!!!!!!! I will still give them explanation about past, present, and future sentence but only just to tell the basic, and i will give test using no writing! they need to talk about examples of those sentence, but if there's a chapter about making stories or other such that needs to be writen, well's a must, i'll give them only 5 questions that's not hard and not easy, something in the middle but more of hard, 'cuz c'mon, studying is just useless if the questions are easy -,-

but u know, that's still what i think i would do if I was a teacher...i still don't get how they have to make all the questions for test and standing in front and explain about this and that....well....maybe a teachers job is hard O.o they just want to teach for 'our' sake, but 'us', the students just plain ignore em' and all that -,- but teachers....please give less stressful homework, don't u teachers care about how tired we are? O.o yes i know you teachers are pretty tired too...but we're still young, we don't have to worry about work and other such that you teachers have to do, and....let's just say we are rebellious and still trying to learn, just....u know! push us hard but not too hard, our stamina isn't like urs, we're not fully trained to like 'get this done by tomorrow but there's still 3 homeworks waiting in line' .

......does this make sense? O.O and now i will end this with Kyon's facepalm


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