Friday, October 14, 2011


NOW! *does numa numa dance* WE PLAY PS2!!!!!!
Yeah, i bought some games as well ._.

I bought some not new(old) games like:

-Kingdom Hearts
-Tales of Abyss(now currently trying to finish)
-Shadow Heart: Covenant(the girl goes beserk and killed the awesome guy D8 WHAYYY?!)
-Devil Man Cry: Dante's Awakening(or something)
-Fatal Frame(although i suck at horror games but i still wanna give it a go)
-Fatal Frame 3(and i was like O.o me has to watch walkthrough first)
-Ar Tonelicco(Tonelico,Tonnelico ._.) II
-Rouge Galaxy
-Wild Arms 5
-hack//G.U. vol.2
-Silent Hill Origins

Yeah the rest of the CDs i bought were broken so I'm gonna return it to the guy that sell these stuff in the front of my school(let's call him the merchant ._. like in RE4!)

So basically that's it, and my friend is gonna post the story at fictionpress (or something ._.)today, tomorrow, two days later, i dunno -,- it's dark, and I'm looking forward to it 'cuz.....yeah, I'm curious :3

Please people, remember, life has it's ups and down, and have loop-de-loops also, so u don't have to go to a theme park to ride on a roller coaster, be CHEEP(cheap ._.)

 Yeah, accept fails, be grateful to wins, and go nuts on loop-de-loops! Accept life as it is, and be grateful your alive :3

I'm alive~(kuroshitsuji reference)

So yeah! That's it i suppose!


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