Thursday, October 20, 2011

Introduction FTW!

Yeah, today we're gonna talk a little bit about me!

So, yeah, my gender's a girl (fyi if u guys still doesn't know)

I'm basically an otaku!(both in anime and games)

I LOVE LUKE FON FABRE!(he's mine! >w<)

LOVE LLOYD!(he's also mine >w<)

LOVE LEON! (both mine too >w<)

So yeah, I'm a fan girl on everything! XD

I'm easily depressed and complain a lot to friends if this happens, i find telling my family kinda awkward and embarrassing.

I like to be alone at times...

But at times i want friends by my side laughing and being happy

I like oldies music like Westlife, Brian McKnight, etc.

I'm basically slow on my own country's trend

Hates math(who doesn't?)

I'm easily curious 

I'm cute XD (just changed my hair and i look nothing like a tomboy!)

I cry at times, because i have a heart!

My way of thinking is different from normal humans!

I'm crazy at times

And i like to sing! ^^ But not really good

And last but not least, I can never hate people

So that's a few things about me ^^


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