Thursday, October 20, 2011

Introduction FTW!

Yeah, today we're gonna talk a little bit about me!

So, yeah, my gender's a girl (fyi if u guys still doesn't know)

I'm basically an otaku!(both in anime and games)

I LOVE LUKE FON FABRE!(he's mine! >w<)

LOVE LLOYD!(he's also mine >w<)

LOVE LEON! (both mine too >w<)

So yeah, I'm a fan girl on everything! XD

I'm easily depressed and complain a lot to friends if this happens, i find telling my family kinda awkward and embarrassing.

I like to be alone at times...

But at times i want friends by my side laughing and being happy

I like oldies music like Westlife, Brian McKnight, etc.

I'm basically slow on my own country's trend

Hates math(who doesn't?)

I'm easily curious 

I'm cute XD (just changed my hair and i look nothing like a tomboy!)

I cry at times, because i have a heart!

My way of thinking is different from normal humans!

I'm crazy at times

And i like to sing! ^^ But not really good

And last but not least, I can never hate people

So that's a few things about me ^^


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not Proud of the Indonesian Language

My teacher asked me to do this ^^"(*cough* force *cough*)

Kenapa Kita Tak Bangga dengan Bahasa Indonesia?

Bahasa menunjukkan bangsa. Setiap bangsa pasti memiliki bahasanya sendiri, dan merasa bangga dengan bahasa mereka. Bahkan mereka berusaha keras untuk memperkenalkan bahasa bangsanya ke forum-forum international. Meskipun mereka  tahu bahwa bahasa Inggris telah menjadi bahasa Internasional yang banyak dipakai oleh masyarakat dunia dalam berkomunikasi. Kebanggaan itu akan terlihat ketika mereka bernarsis diri dalam blog mereka seperti para peserta didik saya yang sangat bangga dengan sekolahnya. Lihatlah wajah-wajah mereka dalam foto di atas!
Saya tertegun sesaat, ketika salah satu sahabat saya bercerita tentang kunjungannya ke beberapa negara di Eropa. Orang Perancis sangat bangga dengan bahasa nasionalnya. Setiap turis asing yang melancong ke negerinya akan diarahkan untuk mengenal, dan mengerti bahasa Perancis. Begitupun dengan orang Jerman, dan Swiss. Berbeda sekali dengan negeri yang kita cintai ini. Kita justru lebih suka berbahasa Inggris daripada bahasa sendiri. Para turis asing yang berwisata ke negeri ini tidak kita arahkan untuk mengenal, dan mengerti bahasa Indonesia. Jarang sekali saya temui, ada turis asing dari manca negara yang langsung diajarkan bahasa Indonesia olehguide atau pemandu wisata di negeri ini. Misalnya dengan kata-kata, “Hai apa kabar?” atau “Selamat datang di negeri impian dan negeri surgawi Indonesia”.
Hal yang lebih menyakitkan lagi, para guru  di sekolah RSBI diminta menyampaikan materi pelajarannya dalam dua bahasa (Bahasa Inggris, dan Bahasa Indonesia), dan kalau bisa bahasa Inggrisnya lebih ditonjolkan ketimbang bahasa Indonesia, karena sekolah sudah diharuskan untuk bertaraf internasional dengan menguasai bahasa Inggris. Padahal tidak seperti itu seharusnya penerapan bilingual dalam pembelajaran di sekolah.
Bahasa hanya sebagai sarana saja menyampaikan pesan. Jadi, bila seorang guru ingin pesannya sampai kepada para peserta didik, gunakanlah bahasa Indonesia dalam menyampaikan materinya, dan bukan memakai bahasa Inggris yang terlihat keren didengar, tetapi tidak dipahami pesannya oleh peserta didiknya. Oleh karenanya, penerapan dua bahasa (bilingual) di sekolah-sekolah kita, terutama sekolah RSBI/SBI harus dievaluasi segera agar supaya generasi penerus bangsa ini bangga dengan bahasa Indonesia.
Bahasa Indonesia harus terus dipakai dalam dunia pendidikan kita. Posisinya tak boleh tergantikan dengan bahasa internasional. Bahasa Indonesia harus terus berkembang, dan dikembangkan oleh para guru di sekolah agar kesusastraan terus bermetamorforsis mencapai keindahannya. Bahasa Indonesia harus menjadi bahasa resmi di negeri sendiri dalam hal berkomunikasi. Dia harus menjadi tuan rumah di negerinya sendiri.
Sebagai sarana komunikasi, bahasa juga mampu membangun keterampilan berkomunikasi, keterampilan menyampaikan pendapat, gagasan, dan pandangan dalam menyikapi suatu persoalan yang dihadapi dalam kehidupan pada era global ini. Keterampilan seperti itu tentu sangat dibutuhkan dalam menghadapi tantangan zaman.Tak Terkecuali, para blogger yang telah memiliki blog sendiri di internet, dan mengelolanya secara mandiri.
Kenapa kita tak bangga dengan bahasa Indonesia?
Dalam perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) saat ini, blog berhasil merebut perhatian masyarakat dan menjadi trend yang sangat digemari, terutama di kalangan pengguna internet. Atas dasar itu, banyak lembaga menyelenggarakan lomba blog dengan maksud untuk memberikan penghargaan kepada pembuat blog yang bernilai unggul, baik dari sisi artistik, informatika, maupun kemanfaatan isi yang termuat di dalam blog tersebut.
Lomba itu diadakan untuk membiasakan diri para blogger agar mampu menulis dengan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Dengan begitu seorang blogger akan memiliki peran tersendiri dalam mempublikasikan khasanah ilmu, dan kesusastraan Indonesia di ranah maya.
Para pengelola blog atau blogger seharusnya bangga dengan bahasa kita. Kebanggaannya itu harus dipublikasikannya dalam bentuk tulisan atau postingan di blog yang senantiasa mencerminkan kebanggaan dan kecintaan kepada bahasanya sendiri. Berusaha untuk menyuguhkan informasi yang dapat dipahami dan dimengerti dengan bahasa Indonesia yang mudah dicerna oleh siapa saja para pengguna inernet (netter) yang membaca blognya itu.
Kenapa kita tak bangga dengan bahasa Indonesia? Jawabnya, karena kita tidak membiasakan diri menulis dan membaca dalam bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Oleh karena itu, peran guru TIK sangat penting agar mampu mengarahkan para peserta didiknya untuk mampu menulis dalam blog mereka dalam bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar.
Sebagai seorang pengajar mata pelajaran TIK di SMP, hal  di atas itulah yang saya lakukan. Saya pun mengumpulkan alamat link blog peserta didik dalam sebuah blog di Dengan begitu, saya bisa memantau tulisan-tulisan mereka, dan mengambil tulisan terbaik untuk diterbitkan dalam majalah sekolah yang bernama GEMA SMP Labschool Jakarta. Mari bangga berbahasa Indonesia.
Artikel ini juga saya publikasikan di sini.

And you guys can look this at


Friday, October 14, 2011


NOW! *does numa numa dance* WE PLAY PS2!!!!!!
Yeah, i bought some games as well ._.

I bought some not new(old) games like:

-Kingdom Hearts
-Tales of Abyss(now currently trying to finish)
-Shadow Heart: Covenant(the girl goes beserk and killed the awesome guy D8 WHAYYY?!)
-Devil Man Cry: Dante's Awakening(or something)
-Fatal Frame(although i suck at horror games but i still wanna give it a go)
-Fatal Frame 3(and i was like O.o me has to watch walkthrough first)
-Ar Tonelicco(Tonelico,Tonnelico ._.) II
-Rouge Galaxy
-Wild Arms 5
-hack//G.U. vol.2
-Silent Hill Origins

Yeah the rest of the CDs i bought were broken so I'm gonna return it to the guy that sell these stuff in the front of my school(let's call him the merchant ._. like in RE4!)

So basically that's it, and my friend is gonna post the story at fictionpress (or something ._.)today, tomorrow, two days later, i dunno -,- it's dark, and I'm looking forward to it 'cuz.....yeah, I'm curious :3

Please people, remember, life has it's ups and down, and have loop-de-loops also, so u don't have to go to a theme park to ride on a roller coaster, be CHEEP(cheap ._.)

 Yeah, accept fails, be grateful to wins, and go nuts on loop-de-loops! Accept life as it is, and be grateful your alive :3

I'm alive~(kuroshitsuji reference)

So yeah! That's it i suppose!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Almost UTS and about stuff that needs to be said!

Oh! Where do i begin! ><
It's almost exams and I'm still lazily playing my laptop!
Better make this quick then!

You see, my friend is going to make a story(ehm anime)! And she's using the #21 generation(elementary school) to be the characters! Yeah for now I'm gonna tell you about my character and later on I'll edit this and post a pic + tell about the other characters.

Okay! My character:

Roxanne Akrianne

According to the writer, Roxanne is the young mistress of the Akrianne family, a family with very high status. Has a tendency to be disobedient towards her family rules. Hyper, but gets easily scared/worried around Iris Almarie. Works as a spy under the Almarie family. Family has no.1 economy in the world. Prodigy. Very smart but acts like a fool. Rarely cares about exams and so.

So that's it for now ^^ Wish me luck on the exams alright?

Friday, October 7, 2011

In the Middle of Nowhere

Can you see me?
Can you hear me?
I'm here, I'm always here.
Waiting, wondering, worrying,
If you can come here just like you promised?
Are you safe in this journey just to meet me?
I checked every edge of this empty place, 
Yet you still haven't come.

I waited since the day you said to me,
"Let's meet somewhere"
And i asked with delight,
"Where? Are we going to a special place?"
You just chuckle and gave me a smile and whispered to me gently,
"To a special place made for us, I promise I'll be there"
Now I'm here all alone,
Without you by my side,
When can you fulfill your promise to me?
When will you arrive here?

I sit on a small rock still waiting for you.
Then, in the distance i saw you, just a silhouette of you.
I ran and ran and ran chasing after you,
But then, there's another figure standing beside you.
I just stood there in shock.
I felt foolish for believing every word you said.

Now look where you left me.
In this barren desert all alone.
With nothing but dust and wind.
Look what you led me into.
This place you said as our special place?
This miserable place?

You led me into this dark place.
You led me into this lonely place.
I will not ever forgive you for that!

I saw your silhouette again with another girl.
But the girl left you suddenly,
And you fell to the ground with a heart broken cry.
Then the girl came near me.
She is staring at me with two beautiful eyes and said to me,
"He used you to make me jealous, don't let this happen to you again..."
"It hurts..", i said hopelessly,
"I know", she said with a frown.

Because of him, I'm stuck at this lonely place.
The girl left and move on in life.
She said to me before leaving,
"Forget about him"
I tried and i tried and tried again,
But i was not working.
I will forever remember his smile, his voice, his looks.
Forever and ever...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

TheShadowFallen....STRESSED OUT! And a short story about the "PPL" teachers

Tick tock tick tock~ Oh, look at the time...4 DAYS UNTIL EXAMS! O.O 

Oh god oh god oh god!!!1!!1!111!!!!!

And i wanna talk about the"PPL" teachers(college students that wanna be teacher) at my school shortly...
You see, people in my class, and maybe the whole #19 Generation hates these teachers, but me, I'm neutral actually
These guys are just trying to learn to be a teacher, and yeah, the job maybe stressful at times...
Especially in my class -,-
I think both of sides are not right but not wrong as well

IF the students may be a little less noisy and more pay attention, maybe they won't call us dumb all the time, yet they always come to our class with anger, and we don't like that as well.

It all leaves one thing, first impression

I say...guys, u gotta say sorry to the teachers, they're new, they don't know how to teach students just yet, and u guys just play big talk with them without considering their feelings and what do they have to put up with

And teachers, laugh, be happy, smile! School just sucks if the teachers are grumpy and sinister looking! I respect you guys for trying to teach us, but if u guys can also consider our feelings and perspective...maybe we can reach an understanding?

Neither side is right, and neither side is wrong
Which makes this mess never unsolved
Say sorry if u can,
Or anger will arise
Let the bonds between us be tied

Please, i hate it when the teachers just get angry, and i hate it too if the class just played disrespect on em'
I pretend to hate, but if i told them I'm okay with them they will be all like WTH? O.o Keepin' low profile B)

Now for the pic of the day

Can you imagine if Lucy is a teacher?! O.O *flee*

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Lonely Girl

I see before myself,
A girl all alone,
Looking dark and gloomy,
She's right there, In front of me
Looking back and begging,
begging for the loneliness to end,
Begging for her friends to come back,
Begging for another chance,
There is no second chance.
No way it can come true without trying.
No way to be happy in a dark world.
She's still surviving.
Still alive.
And is and always...
Hoping for the wish she wants to come true.
And that girl...
Is me

Sunday, October 2, 2011

You Can Learn Stuff From Games! (9 Hours 9 Person 9 Doors)

Okay you guys, i have to admit! The stuffs that's in that game is screwin' my head!
-Rupert Sheldrake's Theory about the Morphic Field
-The coffin inside the Titanic
-Titanic's twin
-And the book Futility by Morgan Robertson in 1898

Games can lead you to some real curiosity about this stuff! And i bet neither of you known about Titanic's twin sister ship!(Unless u already known it -,-)

Ice-9 is a fictional material....BUT there are some events that is the same as the ice-9!

The morphic field! Ahh....this is the theory that will haunt me forever O.O Well according to Mr. Wikipedia

"Morphic field" is a term introduced by Sheldrake. He proposes that there is a field within and around a morphic unit which organizes its characteristic structure and pattern of activity. According to this concept, the morphic field underlies the formation and behaviour of holons and morphic units, and can be set up by the repetition of similar acts or thoughts. The hypothesis is that a particular form belonging to a certain group, which has already established its (collective) morphic field, will tune into that morphic field. The particular form will read the collective information through the process of morphic resonance, using it to guide its own development. This development of the particular form will then provide, again through morphic resonance, a feedback to the morphic field of that group, thus strengthening it with its own experience, resulting in new information being added (i.e. stored in the database). Sheldrake regards the morphic fields as a universal database for both organic (living) and abstract (mental) forms.
That a mode of transmission of shared informational patterns and archetypes might exist did gain some tacit acceptance, when it was proposed as the theory of the collective unconscious by renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung. According to Sheldrake, the theory of morphic fields might provide an explanation for Jung's concept as well. Also, he agrees that the concept of akashic records, term from Vedas representing the "library" of all the experiences and memories of human minds (souls) through their physical lifetime, can be related to morphic fields, since one's past (an akashic record) is a mental form, consisting of thoughts as simpler mental forms (all processed by the same brain), and a group of similar or related mental forms also have their associated (collective) morphic field. (Sheldrake's view on memory-traces is that they are "non-local", and not located in the brain.)
Sheldrake's concept has little support in the mainstream scientific community. Members of the scientific community consider Sheldrake's concept to be currently unfalsifiable and therefore outside of the scope of scientific experiment. The morphic field concept is believed by many to fall into the realm of pseudoscience.

and the morphic resonance

Essential to Sheldrake's model is the hypothesis of morphic resonance. This is a feedback mechanism between the field and the corresponding forms of morphic units. The greater the degree of similarity, the greater the resonance, leading to habituation or persistence of particular forms. So, the existence of a morphic field makes the existence of a new similar form easier.

Sheldrake proposes that the process of morphic resonance leads to stable morphic fields, which are significantly easier to tune into. He suggests that this is the means by which simpler organic forms synergetically self-organize into more complex ones, and that this model allows a different explanation for the process of evolution itself, as an addition to Darwin's evolutionary processes of selection and variation.

and the morphogenetic field

are defined by Sheldrake as the subset of morphic fields which influence, and are influenced by living things.
The term [morphic fields] is more general in its meaning than morphogenetic fields, and includes other kinds of organizing fields in addition to those of morphogenesis; the organizing fields of animal and human behaviour, of social and cultural systems, and of mental activity can all be regarded as morphic fields which contain an inherent memory.
—Rupert Sheldrake, The Presence of the Past (Chapter 6, page 112)
The term morphogenetic field generally referred to a "collection of cells by whose interactions a particular organ formed" in 1920s and 1930s experimental embryology. "The genetics program of biology was originally in direct opposition to the concept of morphogenetic fields... an alternative to the gene as the unit of ontogeny." Due to the success of genetics, the term fell into widespread disfavor in the 1960s, although it could be still be found in developmental biology literature regarding limb and heart fields. "In such instances, no claims are usually made other than that these areas of mesoderm are destined to form these particular structures". Sheldrake commented on the distinction between his usage and that of the biologist, whom he said uses the term "morphic field" as a heuristic device, which is conceptually distinct from his own use of the term. He says that most biologists regard morphogenetic fields as "a way of thinking about morphogenesis rather than something that really exists."

That's only about Rupert Sheldrake's Theory!


Similarities between Titanic and Titan:
  • Unsinkable
    • The Titanic was the world's largest luxury liner (882 feet, displacing 53,000 long tons), and was once described as being practically "unsinkable".
    • The Titan was the largest craft afloat and the greatest of the works of men (800 feet, displacing 75,000 tons), and was considered "unsinkable".
  • Lifeboats
    • The Titanic carried only 16 lifeboats, plus 4 Engelhardt folding lifeboats, less than half the number required for her passenger capacity of 3000.
    • The Titan carried "as few as the law allowed", 24 lifeboats, less than half needed for her 3000 capacity.
  • Struck an iceberg
    • Moving too fast at 22½ knots, the Titanic struck an iceberg on the starboard side on the night of April 14, 1912 in the North Atlantic 400 miles away from Newfoundland.
    • Also on an April night, in the North Atlantic 400 miles from Newfoundland (Terranova), the Titan hit an iceberg while traveling at 25 knots, also on the starboard side.
  • The Unsinkable Sank
    • The unsinkable Titanic sank, and more than half of her 2200 passengers died.
    • The indestructible Titan also sank, more than half of her 2500 passengers drowning.
    • Went down bow first, the Titan actually capsizing before it sank.
    • The names being similar (Titan = Titanic - ic)

Difference between Titanic and Titan:
  • The Titan does not strike the iceberg a glancing blow on a clear night, as is the case with the Titanic, but drives headlong onto an ice shelf which tears a huge gash in the ship's side, causing major flooding, rises into the air and capsizes on her starboard side, THEN sinking bow first.
  • 705 people aboard the Titanic survied, while only 13 of those aboard the Titan survived.
  • The Titan hit and sank a sailing ship called the Royal Oak. The Titanic came close to an accident with the New York but did not actually hit it.
  • The Titanic takes over two and a half hours to sink. The Titan took only five minutes.
  • The Titan had sails to improve her speed; the Titanic did not.
  • The Titanic was the second of three nearly identical sister ships; the Titan had no sister ships.
  • Titanic sank while sailing from England to the USA, Titan was traveling in the opposite direction.
  • When the iceberg was sighted on the Titanic, the message to the bridge was Iceberg right ahead!, but when the iceberg was sighted on the Titan, the message was Ice, ice ahead. Iceberg. Right under the bows.
  • The Titan had 19 watertight compartments & could stay afloat with 9 compartments flooded. The Titanic had 16 compartments could stay afloat with only 4 compartments flooded.

And about the ICE-9!

is a fictional material appearing in Kurt Vonnegut's novel Cat's Cradle. It is supposed to be a more stable polymorph of water than common ice (Ice Ih) which instead of melting at 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit), melts at 45.8 °C (114.4 °F). When ice-nine comes into contact with liquid water below 45.8 °C (which is thus effectively supercooled), it acts as a seed crystal, and causes the solidification of the entire body of water which quickly crystallizes as ice-nine. A global catastrophe involving freezing the Earth's oceans by simple contact with ice-nine is used as a plot device in Vonnegut's novel.


  • While multiple polymorphs of ice do exist (they can be created under pressure), none has the properties described in this book, and none is stable at standard temperature and pressure above the ordinary melting point of ice. The real Ice IX has none of the properties of Vonnegut's creation, and can exist only at extremely low temperatures and high pressures.
  • The ice-nine phenomenon has, in fact, occurred with a few other kinds of crystals, called "disappearing polymorphs". In these cases, a new variant of a crystal has been introduced into an environment, replacing many of the older form crystals with its own form. One example is the anti-AIDS medicine ritonavir, where the newer version destroyed the effectiveness of the drug until improved manufacturing and distribution was developed.

That's it for now i guess -__- I'm not use to long posts! >< But i will continue it and edit this! :3 Well then.....


P.S. Sorry about a few text that's gotten white, just block it T.T i don't wanna screw it :3

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Oh GOD I'm so happy ^^v the best anime ending ever! I just wish there were more OVA's than just Kyou and Tomoyo T.T You know what.....I WANNA DO THE ILLUSION WORLD PLAY >< BUT in my school there are less people liking anime...It's just so sad T.T But there are more and more otakus out there so i better find em'!


So anyways....i wanna do some plays from animes! Like...
-Illusion World (Clannad)
-Story of Evil (Vocaloid)
-Alice Human Sacrifice (Vocaloid)

Yes some are from vocaloid songs but the songs are really great as a base of a play! Illusion World is about an empty world and a child lives alone in it, and she made a robot friend...While the Story of Evil is about Two royal twins that got separated when young and meet again some time later and the guy twin became a servant of his twin, which is a girl, and something happen and yada yada yada...And the Alice of the Human Sacrifice is basically about the worst stuff about wonderland.....I would really wanna do plays on my school! ....But I'm too shy and i get stage frights often O.O But if i wanna make my sister proud, i gotta use all of my knowledge about game & anime and turn it into something the other people can enjoy....A play is something everyone can enjoy so maybe i could give it a shot.....But yeah....I'm shy T.T

As promise i posted some Clannad pic~

Enjoy ^^
